Cena zlata Cena zlata 15.1.
66 159,18 Kč/Oz
2675,26 $/Oz
Kurz USD: 24,73 Kč
Cena stříbra Cena stříbra 15.1.
737,70 Kč/Oz
29,83 $/Oz
Cena platiny Cena platiny 15.1.
23 248,18 Kč/Oz
940,08 $/Oz
Cena paládia Cena paládia 15.1.
23 633,22 Kč/Oz
955,65 $/Oz
Cena zlata


Zlaté mince numismatika is traditional and nowadays the largest seller of numismatics and investment gold in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. We have been running a renowned business since 2003. We are specialized in coins of Czechoslovakia, Czech Republic and Slovakia. We are the only supplier with a full range of assortment of Prague, Czech and Kremnica mint. We are devoted to sale of precious and valuable coins of pure gold and silver. They are sought after not only by collectors, but also by investors and especially by people who have a close relationship with this country.
Our own emission activity is also significant. Our medals are mainly minted form precious metals such as gold, silver and platinum. Each medal is minted only in limited number of pieces that are officially stamped and supplied with a certificate. The rarest mintages are numbered on the edge. We put special emphasis on the artwork of our medals, the artistic design and the precise work of engravers during preparation of the dies. We cooperate with the most important sculptors and painters. These include, in particular, academic sculptor Vladimír Oppl, academic sculptor Zbyněk Fojtů, and many others.
We sell and buy investment gold. For 14 years, our domain has been confidentiality and individual approach to each customer. We know everything about precious metals.
The website Zlatemince.cz containing encyclopedia of Czech coins, was awarded by National Library of the Czech Republic and became part of the national cultural herritage of the digital age.
The shop is in the Art Nouveau building of the Municipal House in Prague, designed by the outstanding architects Antonín Balšánek and Osvald Polívka, at the site of the former Royal Court, where the Czech kings settled between 1383-1484.
There is another shop of Czech numismatics in the buiding of the Municipal House. In the place where the streets U Prašné brány and Celetná intersect, you can find a new business store of the Prague Mint a.s. in the Municipal House building. The entance is directly from the street.
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Cena-zlata.cz - Ceny investičního zlata na dlani. Investiční zlaté slitky a mince přehledně. Nabízíme statistiky prodejních a výkupních cen drahých kovů v ČR. Nejrozsáhlejší databáze na českém trhu. Historie cen až do roku 2003, kdy se investiční zlato začalo dovážet. Ceny v českých korunách. Sledujeme klíčové tituly obchodované na našem trhu. Archivujeme jejich prodejní i výkupní ceny každý den. Přístup k nim máte zdarma. Poskytujeme bezplatný informační servis pro účetní, ekonomy, odhadce, znalce a badatele, kteří potřebují tyto údaje k oceňování drahých kovů. Zpravodajství Zlatovny a.s. a časopisu Mince a Bankovky. Ekonomické informace, grafy vývoje cen zlata. ©2003-2025 Zlaté mince - Numismatika. Jakékoliv užití obsahu včetně převzetí, šíření či dalšího zpřístupňování textů a fotografií je bez písemného souhlasu zakázáno.

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